Alan J Whitaker, founder and CEO of Future Winners International, launched his first management consultancy in 1978 after several significant executive positions in the food and transport industries.His major focus is helping individuals and organizations of all sizes across many industries optimize their potential. Under his guidance, clients throughout the world reinvent and re-energize their businesses becoming pioneers and leaders in their industries.He believes his greatest challenge lies ahead in keeping the programs of FWI at the cutting edge and in providing continuous training and support to his franchisees around the world.
As an international keynote speaker and business reinvention guru, Alan regularly addresses audiences ranging from large international conventions to executive conferences and board briefings. Focussing on the future five years hence, he speaks on how changes in employee and customer expectations will require a quantum shift in the way organizations conceptualise themselves and market their products and services.
As conference/convention chairman,Alan J Whitaker brings elegance, wit and leadership to every conference he chairs. His skills as an entertainer, forward thinker and negotiator blend to provide every conference with a dynamic energy and future focus.Event organizers appreciate his ability to keep to the time schedule and to handle any unexpected event with panache.
Books by Alan J Whitaker
The Passion Business
A step-by-step guide to creating an organization dedicated to producing passionate customers
(ISBN 0-620-28497-8)
The Future Winners
Becoming a Future Winner with clear vision, a Strategic GamePlan, highly profitable customers and a workforce energized and focused on reaching corporate goals
The Magic of Nelson Mandela
Integrating strategic development and execution into the fabric of business processes.
Written by Joe Divanna, Francois Austin, Alan J Whitaker, et al
(ISBN 1-4039-3406-1)
Find out more about Alan by phoning +44 79 6022 7478 or e-mail him at